Pagans, 522, 528, 781 Pain acceptance of, 1435, 1460 accompanying conversion of the heart, 1431, 1490 alleviating the sufferings of the dying, 2279 in childbearing, 1607, 1609 as a consequence of original sin, 1521 euthanasia as imposing an end to, 2277 human experience of, 164, 272, 385 no sickness in the earthly paradise, 376 See Illness Parable(s) significance and purposes of, 546, 2607 various parables of the Good Samaritan, 1465 of the good shepherd, 1465 of the importunate friend, 2613 of the importunate widow, 2613 of the just judge, 1465 of the leaven, 2660, 2832 of the Last Judgment, 1038 of the lost sheep, 605 of the merciful servant, 2843 of the Pharisee and the tax collector, 2613, 2839 of the poor man Lazarus, 633, 1021, 2463, 2831 of the prodigal son, 1439, 1465 of the seed, 543 of the sower, 2707 of the talents, 1880, 1937 of the two ways, 1696 of the weeds, 681, 827 Paraclete. See Holy Spirit Paradise first man in paradise, 374-79, 1023 in God's plam, 1721 restoration of man to, 736 significance of, 1027 See also Heaven Parents adultery and the duties of, 2381 child is not something owed to parents but must be considered a gift to, 2378 children as a sign of diving blessing, 1652, 2373 commandment of love for one's, 2197, 2199, 2200 cooperation and dialogue between parents and children, 2230 duties of children toward their, 2214-20 education of children in the faith, 1656, 2206, 2222, 2225-26 family as the natural environment for the education of children, 2224 fatherhood of God and human fatherhood, 239, 2214 "Honor thy father and thy mother," 2196 Jesus subject to His, 531, 583 reprehensible techniques of artificial insemination, 2376 respect for the vocation of children, 2232-33 responsibility of parents in the eduction of their children, 1653, 2221, 2223 right of parents the choose a school for their children, 2229 rights and duties of, 1250, 2221-31 sanctification of, 902 See also Children; Family Parish, 2179, 2226 Parousia, 1001. See also Fullness. Participation in Christ's prayer, 1073 in Christ's sacrifice, 618, 1372 in the death and resurrection of Christ, 1002, 1006 in divine life, 375, 505, 541, 654, 759, 1212, 1726, 1997 in the Eucharist, 1000, 1388, 2182 of the faithful in liturgical celebrations, 1141, 1273 Jesus' participation in God's power and authority, 668 of the laity in Christ's priestly office, 901-03, 1546, 1591 in Christ's prophetic office, 904-07 in Christ's royal office, 908-13 ministerial participation in Christ's priesthood, 1554 Participation in social life, 1882, 1897-917 Pasch. See Passover (Pasch) Paschal banquet, 1323 Passion of Christ. See Christ Passion(s) consummation of human feelings, 1769 definition, operation, and origin of, 1763-64 diminishes imputability, 1860 enslavement to one's, 1792 love as a fundamental, 1765 mastery of, 908, 1804, 1809, 2339, 2341 morality of the, 1762-70 prohibition of immoderate, 2536 reason discerns the morality of, 1768 in themselves passions must be judged as neither good nor evil, 1767 Passover (Pasch) celebration of the Passover for Christians and for Jews, 1096 the Christian's last, 1680-83 consequences from Christ's, 1225, 1449 consummation of the, 1096, 1164 day for the celebration of Easter, 1170 Eucharist as the memorial of Christ's, 1340, 1362-66 events of Easter, 640 final Passover of the Church, 677 fulfillment of Christ's, 731 fulfillment in the kingdom of God, 1403 names for Easter, 1169 significance of the Jewish, 1363 union of the Christian faithful in Christ's, 793 Pastoral care of the parish, 2179 common pastoral practice for mixed marriages, 1636 discernment is needed to sustain and support popular piety, 1676 duty of the Magisterium, 890 office and concern of the bishops, 886, 896, 927, 1560 purposes of pastoral mission, 857 Word of God nourishes pastoral preaching, 132 Patience bearing wrongs patiently as a work of spiritual mercy, 2447 "Charity is patient," 1825 in the family, 2219 as a fruit of the Spirit, 736, 1832 God's, 2822 prayer and patience of faith, 2613 Patriarchs of the Jewish people, 839 as the roots of the Church, 755 veneration of patriarchs in the Old Testament, 61 Peace, 2304 aids to, 1941, 2015, 2310 defense of, 2302-17 earthly peace as the image of Christ, 2305 education of the conscience and, 1784 as the foundation of the common good, 1909 as the fruit of charity, 1829 as the fruit of the Spirit, 736, 1832 as a gift from God, 1424, 1468 the Lord calls us to, 2302 peacemakers, 1716, 2442 things that threaten, 1938, 2315, 2317 Penance forms of penance in the Christian life, 1434-39 interior, 1430-33 purposes of, 2043 works of penance for the dead, 1032 Penance and Reconciliation age for confessing sins, 1457 Anointing of the Sick and the forgiveness of sins, 1532 and Baptism, 1425-26 Baptism and the forgiveness of sins, 535, 977-78 commandment to receive the sacrament of, 1457, 2042 eschatological significance of the sacrament of, 1470 the Eucharist and forgiveness of sins, 1393, 1395, 1436, 1846 indulgence, 1471 power to confer the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation to non-Catholic Christians, 1401 purposes of the sacrament of, 1421, 1468 receiving absolution in the sacrament before receiving Eucharistic Communion, 1415 receiving the sacrament before the celebration of Matrimony, 1622 as a sacrament, 1210 sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation in particularly grave cases, 1463 instituted by Christ, 1446 instituted for all men, 827, 1446 sacramental seal of Confession, 1467, 2490 sacrifice of Christ as the source of forgiveness of man's sins, 1851 See also Sacrament(s) absolution, 1480-84 Byzantine liturgy and formulas of, 1481 communal celebration and individual, 1482 excommunication and, 1463 formulas of, 1449, 1481 general, 1483 grave sins and, 1415, 1457, 1497 over the dying Christian, 1020 power to forgive sins, 553, 976, 1441-42, 1444-45, 1461 acts of the penitent, 1491 confession, 1455-58 of grave sins necessary for obtaining reconciliation, 1493 individual confession and a communal celebration, 1482 necessity of confessing sins, 1448 personal confession the most expressive form of reconciliation, 1484 of sins and conversion, 1435 of venial sins, 1493, 1863 contrition, 1451-54 Holy Spirit gives the grace of, 1433 as necessary to obtain forgiveness, 982, 1259, 1861, 1864 no penance after death, 393 perfect and imperfect, 1492 and sacramental Confession, 1452 as sorrow of the soul, 1451 examination of conscience, 1454, 1456 satisfaction as an act of the penitent, 1491 forms of penance and their purposes, 1460 purposes of, 1494 through the penance imposed by the confessor, 1460 effects of the sacrament anticipating the Last Judgment, 1470 brings about a "spiritual resurrection," 1468 gives pardon for offense committed against God, 1422 reconciling with God, 980, 1468 reconciling with the Church, 980, 1422, 1469 recovering grace, 1446, 1468 forgiveness and Penance and Reconciliation the Church as a place of reconciliation, 755 God reconciles the world to Himself in Christ, 433 pardon as the fundamental condition of Reconciliation, 2844 reconciliation of all Christians in the unity of Christ's Church, 822 reconciliation with the Church, 1443-45 ways of reconciliation, 981, 1449, 1455 See also Forgiveness: forgiveness of sins liturgical celebration or rite of the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation actions of the penitent (see Penance and Reconciliation: acts of the penitent) actions of the priest, 1491 changes in liturgical celebration of the sacrament of Penance over the centuries, 1447-48 communal, 1482-83 fundamental structure, 1448, 1480 minister of, 1461-62, 1466 necessity of the sacrament for receiving the other sacraments, 1385 for Reconciliation with God and with the Church, 1484 for recovering the grace of justification, 1446 for obtaining forgiveness of mortal sins, 1395 titles for the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation sacrament of Confession, 1424, 1455-58 conversion, 1423 forgiveness, 1395, 1424, 1446 pardon, 1422 Penance, 1423 Reconciliation, 1385, 1424, 1440 remission, 1496 Pentecost day of full revelation of the Trinity, 732 day of Jesus' public manifestation, 767, 1076 day of outpouring of the Holy Spirit, 696, 731, 1287, 2623 People of God, 781-86 belonging to, 836, 871 the Church as, 781-86 diversity of peoples and cultures in, 814 faith of the, 93, 99 gathering together of, 761-62, 776, 865 Israel's election as, 762 Jews, non-Christians and, 839 ministries as a help to, 874 of the Old Covenant and the new people of God, 840 peculiarities of, 782 priestly, 784 prophetic, 785 royal, 786 universality of, 831, 885 Perfection charity as the "bond of perfection," 1827 Christ as the way of, 1953 of creation, 302, 310 of creatures, 41, 330, 339 as the fruit of the Holy Spirit, 1832 God as the fullness of all, 41, 213, 370 human virtues and, 1804 journey of, 2015 man and woman reflect God's, 370 of Mary and the Church, 829 movement of the will and heart in moral, 1770, 1775 must be acquired by the faithful, 825, 1709, 2013, 2028 must be found in seeking what is true and good, 1704 Perjury consequences of, 2476 gravity of, 1756, 2153, 2163 meaning of, 2152 Persecution of Christ, 530 of the Church, 675, 769, 1816 Perseverance in faith, 162 final perseverance and retribution, 2016 in prayer, 2728, 2742-43 Person(s) and the common good, 1738, 1905, 1912-13 communication through the media and, 2492, 2494 constitution of, 362 destined for eternal beatitude, 1703 differences between, 1946 as God's image, 1730 identity of, 203, 2158 integrity of, 2338-45 is capable, 1704 respect for, 1907, 1929-33, 2212, 2297-98, 2477, 2479, 2524 and scientific research, 2292-96 and their goods, 2407-18 rights and duties of, 1738, 2070, 2108, 2270, 2273 sexuality and, 2332, 2337 and society, 1878-89, 1929 state and, 2237 as the temple of the Holy Spirit, 364 transcendent nature of the human, 1295, 2245 work and, 2428 See also Man; Society dignity of the person, 1700-876 artificial insemination and, 2377 attempts to influence the genetic inheritance and, 2275 euthanasia and, 2277, 2324 experiments on the human creature and, 2295 foundation of, 225, 357, 1700, 1730, 1934, 2126 implications of, 1780, 1930, 1938, 1944, 2339, 2467 pornography, prostitution, violation, and, 2354-56 and religious freedom, 1738, 1747, 2106 respect for, 1935, 2158, 2235, 2267, 2297, 2304 sin and, 1487, 2261, 2320, 2353, 2414 and social justice, 1911, 1913, 1926, 1929, 1938, 2213, 2238, 2402 Peter (the apostle) denial and conversion of, 1429, 1851 faith in Christ, 153, 424, 440, 442 as head of the apostles, 552, 765, 880-81 offices of, 552, 642, 881 Roman bishop (see Supreme Pontiff) as witness of Christ's Resurrection, 641-42 Petition, 2734. See also Prayer Pharisees behavior of, 576, 579, 595, 993, 2054 disagreement between Christ and, 574, 581, 588, 596, 2285 Jesus' relations with, 575 Physician care of the human body and of health, 2288-89 immoral actions of, 2377, 2537 Jesus Christ as physician of souls and bodies, 1421, 1484, 1503-05 professional secrecy, 2491 Piety devotion to the Virgin Mary, 971 filial, 2215 as a gift of the Holy Spirit, 1303, 1831 popular piety and catechesis, 1674, 2688 Pilgrimage appropriate times for, 1438 of the Church, 769 as a form of piety and devotion, 1674, 2101 man's earthly, 1013, 1419 significance of, 2691 Places for celebrating divine worship, 1179-86, 1198-99 Pleasure(s) sexual intemperate, 2351-56 temperate, 2362 spiritual, 2500 temperance, the virtue that moderates the attraction of, 1809 Political authority/community action of resisting oppression by political power, 2243 authority exercised within limits, 1923 Christian faithful intervening in political organization of social life, 899, 2442 community and the Church, 2244-46 control of political opinion, 2499 distinction between the service of God and the service of, 2242 human rights and political authorities, 2273 moral judgment of the Church in matters related to political order, 2246 prayer for political authorities, 1900 regimes and the common good, 1901-04, 2237 Polygamy contrary to the equal personal dignity of man and woman, 1645 as an offense committed against the dignity of matrimony, 2387 in the Old Law, 1610 Polytheism, 2112 Pope. See Supreme Pontiff Popular. See nouns to which it refers Pornography, 2211, 2354, 2396 Poverty arms race harmful to the poor, 2329 Christ as a poor person, 517, 525, 544, 1351, 2407 concern, care, and love for the poor, 886, 1033, 1435, 1825, 194, 2208, 2405, 2443-49 detachment from riches as a lifestyle, 2544-45 duty of rich nations in solidarity toward the poor, 2439-40 Eucharist commits us to, 1397 as an evangelical counsel, 915 kingdom of heaven and, 544 in spirit, 709, 716, 1716, 2544-47 as the way of Christ and the Church, 544, 786, 852 See also the Needy Power Christ gives, 1504, 1566, 1615, 1642 of darkness and freedom from it in Baptism, 1250 God gives, 1432, 2584, 2848 of God's Word, 124, 131, 2057 of the Holy Spirit, 703, 735, 798, 1107, 1285, 1520, 1550, 1624, 1704, 2472 of human nature, 60, 405, 661, 822, 2090, 2520 of Jesus Christ, 635, 649, 664, 668, 1441, 1503 loving God with all your mind, 1, 201 of man, 943, 1731, 1861, 1884, 2002 military force, 2309 "Power of the keys," 553, 981-83 of prayer, 2610 of Providence, 302 sacraments give, 1116, 1496, 1521, 1588 of the state, 1904, 2237, 2239, 2241, 2244 of the Supreme Pontiff and of the episcopal college, 882-83 Power of God divine omnipotence is in no way arbitrary, 271 faith in God's omnipotence, 273-74 God's apparent powerlessness, 272 God's power in the sacraments, 1128 manifestations of God's power, 277, 296, 648, 1508, 2500 power of Christ, 449, 649 power of the Holy Spirit, 496, 1127, 1238, 2778 properties of God's power, 268, 270 Sacred Scripture declares the, 269 the Word of God as power, 124, 131 Powers of darkness, 409, 680 fighting the kingdom of Christ, 671 occult, 2116-17 victory of the Church over the powers of death, 552 Praise(s) beauty of creation as a hymn of, 32 blessings of, 1081, 1671 Eucharist as thanksgiving and praise to the Father, 1358-61 of God, 1138, 2171, 2513 life consecrated to praise of God, 920, 2687 prayer of, 2098, 2639-43 Psalms as, 2585, 2589 significance of, 2639 temporal things and praise of the Creator, 898, 1670 See also Liturgy Prayer ability to pray is always possible, 2743 the Church's, 276, 2623-25 definition of, 2559 efficacious, 2738-41 to the Father, 2664, 2680, 2779-85, 2792 God calls to, 2567 God hears our, 1127, 2737 to the Holy Spirit, 2670-72 to Jesus, 2616, 2664-69 Jesus hears, 2616 law of ecumenical sense of, 1126 significance of the saying "Lex orandi, lex credendi," 1124 of Mary, 2617-19, 2622 to Mary, 971 with Mary, 2673-79, 2682 perseverance in, 2742, 2582 praying as a vital necessity, 2744 praying each and every day, 2659-60 rhythms and times of, 2698 and the search for God, 2566 Sunday, 2761, 2765 See also Liturgy of the Hours; "Our Father," the prayer; Psalms difficulties in praying, 2731, 2735-37, 2754 battle of, 2725 distractions, 2729 failure in, 2728 not heard, 2737 objections to, 2726-27 temptations, 2732-33, 2755 expressions and forms of prayer, 2644, 2663, 2684 act of thanksgiving, 2637-38,2648 adoration, 2096-97, 2628 anamnesis, 1354 anaphora, 1352 blessing, 2626-27 contemplative, 2709-19, 2724 groaning, 2630 intercession, 2634-36, 2647 life of, 2697-99 Liturgy of the Hours, 1174-78 meditation, 2705-08, 2723 of praise, 2639-43, 2649 pray at all times, 2633 preface, 1352 supplication: seek, beseech, plead, invoke, entreat, cry out. Struggle in prayer, 2629-33, 2646 helps for prayer, 2041, 2695 assembly of prayer (see Prayer groups) catechesis, 2688 Christian family, 2205, 2685 education in prayer, 2252, 2686, 2688-89, 2694 places favorable to prayer, 2691 saints as witnesses of spirituality, 2683-84 spiritual direction, 2690 intentions of supplications and intercessions for the coming of God's Kingdom, 2816 for daily bread, 2828-37 for the dead, 958, 1032 for deliverance from evil, 2850-54 for ecumenism, 821 for forgiveness, 2631, 2838-41 petition to the Holy Spirit, 2671 for the sick, 1499, 1510 Jesus teaches how to pray, 2601, 2603-04, 2607 ask with filial boldness, 2610 asking in the name of Jesus, 2614 to do God's will, 2611 by His own prayer, 2607 Jesus as the model of prayer, 520, 2601 Jesus insists on conversion of heart, 2608 keeping watch in prayer, 2612 parables on prayer importunate friend, 2613 importunate widow, 2613 Pharisee and the Publican, 2613 pray in faith and confidence, 2609-10 prayer and the Christian life, 2564-65 Christian prayer characterized by the title "Lord," 451 in consecrated life, 2687 in daily life, 2659-60 filial relationship with God in Christian prayer, 2525, 2786-88 meaning of the word "Amen," 1061-65 name of Jesus in the heart of Christian prayer, 435, 2664 tradition of Christian prayer, 2650-51 prayer in the Holy Spirit, 2615 intercedes for us, 688, 741 as the source of prayer, 2652 as the Teacher of prayer, 2670, 2672 prayer in the Old Testament, 2568 of Abraham, 2570 creation as the source of, 2569 of King David, 2578-80, 2594 of Moses, 2574-77, 2593 of the prophets, 2581-84, 2595 of the Psalms, 2585-89, 2596 prayer of Jesus action of the Holy Spirit in, 2600 to the Father, 2599 of the Hour of Jesus, 2746-51, 2758 Jesus learning how to pray from Mary, 2599 in life, 2598-606, 2620 prayer of the Church all with one accord devoted themselves to prayer on Pentecost, 2623 directed to Jesus, 2665-69, 2680 first community of Jerusalem, 2424-25 liturgical, 1073, 2655 praying in the name of Jesus, 2664, 2668, 2671, 2815 should accompany the reading of Sacred Scripture, 2653-54 "Through Our Lord Jesus Christ," 435 properties of the praying soul hope, 1820 humility as the foundation of prayer, 2559 trust, 2734 watchfulness, 2730 Prayer groups, 2689, 2695 Preaching apostolic, 76-77 Christ's Resurrection as the reason for our, 651 effects of, 94 God's Word as the nourishment of, 132 importance of, 875, 1122 Jesus,' 1151, 1716 Predestination, 257, 600, 1007, 2012, 2782, 2823 Preferential option. See Love: preferential love Prefiguration(s) of Baptism in the Old Covenant, 1217-22 of the Eucharist, 1335 of the Old Covenant, 1223 of the priest in the Old Covenant, 1544 Preparation for receiving the sacraments. See individual sacraments Presence of Christ in the earthly liturgy, 1088 in the Eucharist, 1374, 1378-79, 2691 God to be in, 2565 man conscious of God's presence and the effects of this consciousness, 208, 2144 signs of, 1148 Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 529 Preside bishop presides over the particular Church, 1369 chair of the presider over the assembly, 1184 Christ presides over every liturgical celebration, 1348 deacons preside over funerals, 1570 faculty of lay people to preside at blessings, 1669 faculty of lay people to preside over liturgical prayers, 903 ministry of the bishop and priests in presiding over the Eucharist, 1142, 1411 Presumption as a sin against hope, 2091-92 Pride, 1866, 2514 battle against, 1784 consequences of, 2094, 2317, 2540, 2728 Priest/priesthood celibacy of, 1580 Christ the Priest (see Christ) the Church as a kingdom of priests, 1546 the Church as a priestly people, 784, 941, 1591, 1119 common priesthood of the baptized, 1141, 1143, 1268, 1273, 1546-47 high priesthood as the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders, 1557 meaning of the word priest, 1554 the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood of bishops and priests, 1547 one and only priesthood of Christ, 1544-45 ordination of, 1562-68, 1572 participation in the priesthood of Christ, 1546 particular ministries, 1143 priesthood of Christ, 1544-47, 1551, 1554 (see also Christ) priesthood of the Old Covenant, 1539-41, 1591 See also Holy Orders, sacrament of identity of the priest's ministry as icon of Christ, 1142 joined to the priesthood of Christ, 1544-45 ministerial priesthood established for mankind and the Church community, 1551 ministerial priesthood in the service of the common priesthood, 1120, 1547, 1592 "In the name of the whole Church," 1552-53 priest acts in the person of Christ, 1548 priest as a means of building the Church, 1547 priest's bond with Christ and the apostles, 1120 the true priest of the New Testament, 1564 ministry of the priest cooperation of the laity in exercising, 900 as coworker with the bishop, 1562, 1595 duty of the priest in the Liturgy of the Hours, 1175 human weakness of, 1550 as minister of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, 1516, 1530 Baptism, 1256 Confirmation, 1312-14 Penance, 983, 1461-67, 1495 power to exorcise, 1673 presides over the Eucharist and consecrates the bread and wine, 1142, 1411 receiving the consent of the spouses in marriage, 1630 represents the bishop in local congregations, 1567 scope of exercising, 877, 1564 universal dimensions of the mission of, 1565 priesthood collegial character of the priest's relationship to the bishop, 877 one priesthood with the bishop and the obedience of the priests to the bishops, 1567 subordinate to the bishop's office, 1562 unity of, 1567-68 Primacy of Christ, 792 of God, 304 of the Roman Church, 834 of the Supreme Pontiff, 882 Private property. See Property, private Procession as act of worship with consecrated hosts, 1378 as an expression of popular piety, 1674 Proclamation of God's Word by deacons, 1570 in the Eucharistic celebration, 1408 importance of, 1154 See also Word of God Procreation of children as an end of marriage, 1652 morality of methods for regulating, 2370 regulation of births, 2368, 2370 responsible, 2368 sexuality and, 2351-52 spouses are responsible for, 2372 techniques of procreation contrary to the dignity of the person, 2377 Profaning, 2120 Profession of the evangelical counsels, 873, 915, 925, 944 of faith, 14 (see also Faith) of faith as the first step of Christian initiation, 1229 first profession of faith, 189, 978 of the one faith as the bond of Church unity, 815 and work, 2230, 2433 Promise(s) of Baptism, 1185, 1254, 1298 of the Beatitudes, 1716-17, 1725, 1967 of eternal life, 2002 God's promises to Abraham, 705-06 fidelity to His, 212, 215, 422, 1063 and the prayer of faith, 2570-74, 2579 and their fulfillment, 484, 652, 1065, 2787 of the Holy Spirit, 715, 729, 1287 hope and trust in Christ's, 1817 Israel as trustee of God's, 60 of Jesus' Resurrection and its fulfillment, 638, 653 made to God or a vow, 2101-03 marriage, 1644 the Promised Land, 1222 solemn promise and an oath, 2147, 2150, 2152 spirit of, 705-06 Promotion, human, 1929 Property, private respect for, 2409 right to, 2211, 2401, 2403, 2406, 2411 universal destination and the private ownership of goods, 2402-06, 2452 Prophecy of the destruction of the Temple, 585 as a gift, 2004 of the suffering servant, 601 Prophet(s) action of the Holy Spirit through, 243 and the announcing of the Messiah, 522, 555, 702 Elias, father of, 2582 John the Baptist, the last of, 523, 719 role and mission of prophets in Israel, 64, 201, 522, 762, 1964, 2581, 2595 significance and importance of the prayer of, 2584 who denounced, 2100, 2380 as witnesses of God's justice, 2543 as witnesses of God's love for Israel, 218 Propitiator, 433 Prostitution, 2355 Providence childlike abandonment to the providence of God, 305, 322, 2215, 2547, 2830 Christian prayer as cooperation with God's, 2738 and the cooperation of creatures, 306-07, 323 definition of, 302, 321 divine providence as God's plan carried out, 302-05 and evil, 309-14, 324, 395 leads, 1040 and secondary causes, 306-08 witness of Sacred Scripture to divine, 303 See also God Prudence as a cardinal virtue, 1805-06 common good demands, 1906 definition of, 1806, 1835 in moral judgment and in decisions, 1788 Psalms collection of the five books of, 2585 definition of, 2596 different forms and expressions of, 2588 express the heart of "the poor," 716 importance of, 2597 institution of, 1176 and the liturgy, 1156, 1177 as a prayer of the assembly, 2585-89 praying psalms teaches faith and hope in God, 2657 significance of, 2586-88 special characteristics of, 2589 Public opinion, 2286, 2493, 2498, 2499. See also Notoriety or "newspaper fame" Punishment commensurate with the gravity of the crime, 2266 of death, 2267 diversity of punishment in Purgatory and in Hell, 1031 moral life and the fear of God's, 1828, 1964, 2090 sin and its, 2061 Purgatory, 1030-32, 1472. See also Communion of saints Purification Baptism as purification of all sins, 2520 the Church must be purified always, 827, 1428 confessing one's sins as a condition of, 1847 Eucharist and its power of, 1393 final purification or purgatory, 1030-32, 1054 Gospel and its power of, 856, 2527 of the heart, 1723, 2517-19, 2532 perpetual, 2813 of the social climate, 2525 Purity bond between purity of heart, of body, and of faith, 2518 as a gift of the Holy Spirit, 2345 of heart as a condition for seeing God, 2519, 2531 of intention and simplicity of vision, 2520 requirements and conditions for obtaining, 2521, 2525, 2532-33 struggle for, 2520-27 Purpose of amendment, among other things, as an act of the penitent, 1451, 1490 intention to make reparation and do works of reparation, 1491
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