Index F

Faith central mysteries of the, 234, 647, 2558 the Church as guardian of the, 171, 181, 507 deposit of the, 84-95, 173-75 dogmas of the, 88-90 education in the, 1656, 2225-26 education in the faith and catechesis, 4-6 of the faithful as the faith of the Church, received from the apostles, 949 perseverance in the faith and its defense, 162, 2088 proclamation, institution, and propagation of the, 3-10, 24, 91, 171, 425, 927, 935, 939 professing the faith as a duty and task, 2145, 2471-72 witness to the, 1816, 2220, 2473-74 See also Believing as an act of belief "Analogy of faith," 114 Baptism and, 1236, 1253-55 Baptism, Confirmation, and the power to profess, 1270, 1305, 1319 birth of, 683-84, 875 Catechism of the Catholic Church and the doctrine of, 13-18, 23 death for the sake of, 1281, 2473-74 diversity of faith between spouses, 1633-37 Eucharist as sum and summary of, 1327 evil and the answer of, 309 family as a community of, 2204 as a gift of God, 153 God and the things ordained by God as the object of, 150-52, 170, 178, 182, 206 grounds of, 156, 651 as a human act by no means contrary to freedom and human reason, 154-55 idolatry as a temptation to, 2113 motives of, 156 Muslims and faith in the one God, 841 prayer of, 2570, 2610-11, 2613, 2616 science and, 159 significance of, 26, 142-43, 150 sins against, 2088-89 supernatural sense of, 91-93, 889, 904 temptations and difficulties on the path of, 164 test of doubt, 644, 1381, 2088-89 as a theological virtue, 1813-16 ultimate trial of, 675 See also Believing aids to teaching the faith awareness of God's almighty power, 274 bishops as teachers of the, 12, 888, 2034 catechumenate and initiation into the, 1247-48 the Catholic Church as educator in the, 168-69, 197, 868, 1124 defending and spreading the, 1285 example of Abraham, 144-45 example of Mary, 148-49 example of our ancestors, 147 Holy Spirit, 1098, 1520 Law, 1963 liturgy, 1083, 1204, 1206 Magisterium, 890, 892 sacraments, 1123, 1305 sacred images, 1192 witness of Christian life, 2044 Word of God, 131, 1102, 1122, 1154 creeds and formulas of belief Apostles' Creed, 194 baptismal profession, 189 language of faith, 170-71, 185 Nicene Creed, 195 parts and articles of the Creed, 190-91 significance of the Creed, 186-88, 197 effects of faith acceptance and understanding of Revelation, 99, 158 access to the Eucharistic mystery, 1381 mystery of Christ's Resurrection, 1000 mystery of the Church, 770, 779, 812 mystery of death, 1006 awareness of one's dignity, 1692 belonging to the People of God, 782 confirmed communion of spouses, 1644 divine concession to those who ask, 548 embodiment of Christ, 818 embracing God's almighty power, 273 good conscience and charity, 1794 knowledge of God, 2614 moral discretion, 2038 one Church in one faith, 818-19 question of evil, 309, 324 repentance, 1492 sharing in Christ's prophetic office, 785 source of moral life, 2087, 2716 source of prayer and help, 2656, 2662, 2754 obedience of faith hearing God's Word and, 2716 Mary and, 144, 494 as the principal moral obligation, 2087 significance of, 143-44 properties and nature of faith acts contrary neither to freedom nor to human reason, 154-55, 180 beginning of eternal life, 163-65 certitude of, 157 freedom of, 160 full assent to God, 143, 155, 176, 2609 grace given by God, 153, 162, 179, 298, 2005 man's response to God's gift, 142 necessity of, 161, 183, 846 only one, 172-75, 866 perseverance in, 162 personal act and witness to others, 166 understanding and growth in, 94-95, 156-59, 176 Fall account in Genesis of man's, 289, 390 cause of man's, 215, 385 cause and origin of the fall of the angels, 391-93, 760 God did not abandon man after the, 55, 70, 410 See also Original sin Fame. See Notoriety or "newspaper fame" Family baptismal priesthood, 1657 children's respect for their parents, 2214-20 Christian, 2204-06 Church as the family of God, of Christ, 1, 759, 764, 959, 1655, 2233 dangers that threaten, 2436 as the domestic Church, 1655-58, 1666, 2204-05, 2685 duties of children in, 2214-20 duties of parents in, 2221-26 education of one's, 1914 education of and respect for children, 2221-24, 2228-30 evangelization of children, 2225-26 family's duties toward the young and the old, 2208 and the fourth commandment, 2197-200 God's, 2232 in God's plan, 2201-03 as the image of the Trinity, 2205 Jesus', 533, 564 and the Kingdom of God, 2232 large families as a sign of God's blessing, 2373 make-up, nature, and purpose of, 2201-03, 2249, 2363 offenses against the, 2390 openness of the family to fertility, 1652-54 as the original cell of social life, 1882, 2207 parents' rights in, 2229-30 persons without a, 1658 prayer in, 2183, 2685, 2691, 2834 preparation for establishing, 1632 as a privileged community, 2206 as a reflection of the Father's creative work, 2205 respect for the vocation of children, 2232-33 right to establish, 1908 social defense of, 2209-11 Sunday dedication to one's, 2186 See also Marriage (Matrimony) Fasting as the evangelical Law, 1969 as a form of penance, 1434, 1438, 2043 as preparation for receiving Communion, 1387 Father. See Fatherhood first Person of the Trinity, 198 God the, 232-60 significance of the invocation of, 238-39 actions of God the Father Christ, the Word of God, 65 the cry "Abba! Father!" 742, 2777 dialogue between God and men, 104 God the merciful, 1439, 1449 God, the one Father of all men, 172, 239-40 plan of, 759 providence and the love of God the Father towards all men, 17, 305 relation between God the Father and Jesus Christ, 151, 242, 454, 465, 467, 473, 482, 503, 532, 536, 590, 859, 1224 relation between the Holy Spirit and, 689, 703, 729 Revelation of, 79, 516 as the source and goal of the liturgy, 1077-83 source and origin of the whole divinity, 245-46, 248 toward men, 219, 443, 845, 1050, 1153, 2466, 2714 toward the Son Jesus, 648 Trinity and, 253-55, 258 will of, 541 man's actions toward God the Father doing the will of, 2603, 2611 man's access to, 51, 683, 1204 prayers to be poured forth to, 434, 1109, 1352-53, 2605 praying to God the Father, 1695, 2564, 2601, 2610, 2613, 2664, 2735-36, 2742 (see also "Our Father," the prayer) thanksgiving and praise to, 1359-61 Fatherhood divine fatherhood as the source of human, 2214 of God, 239, 270 (see also God) responsible, 2368 spouses share in fatherhood of God, 2367 Fathers of the Church, 11, 688 Faults abortion, cooperation, and, 2272 acknowledgement of, 827, 1455, 1847 Adam's fault and its consequences, 390, 402-03 against chastity, 2352, 2354-55 against justice and truth, 2477, 2480-81, 2485, 2487, 2509 of atheism, 2125 Christ's death and the faults of man, 580, 598 civil punishment and, 2266 confession of, 1458, 1493 conscience and, 1781, 1784, 1801 dissensions in the Church and among men, 817 erroneous judgment and, 1791 forgiveness given for every, 978, 982, 1502, 1847 forgiveness of, 1031, 1425, 1436, 1452 gravity of, 1861, 2073 intentional homicide and, 2269 legitimate defense and, 2264 Mary, free from original sin, 966 penance and sins, 1435, 1459 reparation for, 2487 reputation, respect for it, and, 2477 of scandal, 2284, 2287, 2326 unintentional ignorance and, 1860 See also Sin(s) Fear among the principal passions, 1772 of eternal damnation, 1453 of evil, 1765 evoked by God's presence, 2144 of God as the foundation of respect for one's parents, 2217 of God as a gift of the Spirit, 1303, 1831 of God inspired by the message of the Last Judgment, 1041 Feast days Easter as the "Feast of feasts," 1169 Eucharist and, 1389, 1391, 2042 feasts of the Jews and Jesus, 583 heavenly liturgy as feast, 1136 preparation for the liturgical feasts, 2043 sanctifying holy days, 2180, 2187-88, 2193 Sunday as the first of all days and of all feasts, 2174 Fecundity Christ gives spiritual fruitfulness to lives, 755, 864, 2074 extension of the fecundity of conjugal love, 2221, 2363 of marriage, 2366-72 as an obligation of conjugal love, 2363 Openness to the transmission of life in marriage, 372, 1604, 1642-43, 1652-54, 1662, 1664 significance of human, 2335, 2398 Fidelity "Amen" as an expression of, 1062 of the baptized, 2044 to Christ in participation in the Eucharist, 2182 the Church's, 1117, 1342 Divine, 207, 212, 214, 489, 1062-63, 1334, 2577 to God, 1502, 2101, 2787 to God's Word, 81, 86, 2466 Fire eternal, 1034-35 of love, 2671, 2717, 2785 purifying, 1031 as the symbol of the Holy Spirit, 696 symbolic meaning of, 1147, 1189 First-fruits Christ as first-fruits of the dead, 655 fruits of the Holy Spirit as first-fruits of eternal glory, 1832 Magi as first-fruits of the nations, 528 Mary as first-fruits of the Church, 972 Flesh Christ the Word made manifest in, 51, 423, 461, 476-77 Christ's flesh as the food of life, 728, 787, 1384, 1391, 1406, 1524 lust of, 2514, 2520 man and woman, one flesh, 372, 1605, 1616, 1627, 1642, 2364 resurrection of, 988, 990, 996, 1017 struggle between flesh and the spirit, 1819, 1846, 2116 is weak, 2733 works of, 1852 Flock Church as, 754, 764 shepherds of, 861, 881, 893, 1548, 1575, 1586 Flood prefiguration of Baptism, 1094, 1219 Following Christ, 520, 618 in consecrated life, 916, 918, 923, 932, 1618 effects of, 1694 as the first vocation of a Christian, 2232, 2253 as a form of penance, 1435 in the spirit of truth, 2466 Foreigner, 2241 Forgiveness asking for forgiveness in prayer, 1425, 2631, 2838-45 conversion and, 2608 is denied to the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, 1864 family as a school for granting, 1657, 2227 God's forgiveness as a sign of His omnipotence, 277 God's grace as the origin of, 2010 must be given to whoever trespasses against us, 2840, 2845 only God grants, 1441 power of, 981 sacraments as ways to receive, 987, 2839 See also Penance and Reconciliation forgiveness of sins of all sins is possible, 982 Baptism and, 403, 977-80, 1226, 1263 Christ brings about, 987, 1741 Christ justifies men, 615, 1708 Christ, the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world," 523, 536, 608 Christ, "satisfaction for our sins," 615, 1708 the Church's power to forgive sins, 981 different ways to obtain, 1434, 1437, 1452 as an effect of justification, 2018 effects of, 1443, 1473 Eucharist and, 1393, 1846 forms of penance and ways to obtain, 1434-39 God alone can forgive sins, 430-31, 1441 as God's gift of love, 734 Holy Spirit and, 984 offering of Christ to the Father for our sins, 606-18 for our sake God made Christ to be sin, 602-03 priests as instruments to forgive sins, 1421, 1486, 1520 as reconciliation with the Church, 1443 and the sacrament of Penance, 1496 sacrifice of Christ for the remission of the sins of man, 536, 545, 610, 613 Formation catechetical, 906 of catechumens, 1248 of conscience, 1783-85 of evangelizers, 428 in prayer, 2686 social communications media and, 2493 spiritual formation of children, 2221 Formulas of absolution, 1449, 1481 catechetical formula of the Commandments, after 2051 of the Decalogue, 2065 origin of Christian prayer formularies, 1096 of the profession of faith, 170 Fornication definition of, 2353 immorality of, 1755, 1852, 2353 Fortitude as a cardinal virtue, 1805, 1808 as a gift of the Holy Spirit, 712, 1303, 1831 imploring of the Spirit of strength, 2846 Fraternal correction charity and, 1829 conversion and, 1435 Fraternity brotherhood among priests, 1568 consecrated life and, 925, 929 dangers that disrupt neighborly fellowship, 1740 educating in, 2207 established by popular piety, 1676 solidarity as demands of human and Christian brotherhood, 1939 Fraud condemnation of, 1916, 2409 root of, 2534 scandal through encouraging, 2286 Freedom conditions for guaranteeing, 2223, 2236, 2402 to contract marriage, 1625 dangers threatening, 1740, 1883 definition of, 1731 earthly power and personal, 450 education for, 2207, 2223, 2228, 2526 education of conscience promotes, 1748 of the family, 2211 of information and communication, 2304, 2498 of man, 33, 387, 1700, 1730-48 political, 2245 practice of a moral life gives, 1828 religious, 1907, 2107-09, 2211 right to the exercise of, 1738, 1782, 2008 significance of human, 1705 truth as a gift of, 1741 freedom and responsibility, 1731-38 consequences of the use of, 1733-34 and the possibility of choosing between good and evil, 1732 right to exercise freedom, 1738, 1907, 2254 violation of personal, 2356, 2492 will and, 1734-35 freedom in the Economy of Salvation of faith, 154, 160, 180 given to us by Christ, 908, 1741 God creates freely "out of nothing," 296 God's respect for human freedom, 311, 1884 Grace does not rival human freedom, 1742, 1993, 2008 Jesus' freedom in obeying the Father, 609-10, 1009, 2749 limits of, 396-450 and original sin, 397, 407, 415, 1707, 1714, 1739 and sin, 387, 601, 654, 1739, 1741, 1853, 1859 of the Virgin Mary, 488, 511 Friend Christ, friend of man, 1972 God, friend of man, 142, 2063, 2576 laying down one's life for one's, 609 Friendship as an aid to the homosexual, 2359 between Christ and man, 1395, 2665 between God and man, 55, 277, 355, 374, 384, 396, 1023, 1030, 1468, 1863, 2709 charity, harmony, and, 1829, 1939 chastity developed and expressed in, 2347 is no excuse for insults against the truth, 2480 Fulfillment Mary and the fulfillment of the Lord's words, 148-49, 2676 of the Old Law, 580 of the precepts of justice, 2411 Resurrection and the fulfillment of hope, 992 Fullness charity as fullness of the law, 2055 of Christ, 423, 515 Christ as the fullness of the moral law, 1953 Christ as the mediator and fullness of all Revelation, 65-67 of the Christian life, 5, 2013 evangelical counsels as fullness of charity, 1974 of the Kingdom of God, 1042 of the means of salvation, 824 prayer in the fullness of time, 2598-619 of time, 422, 484, 717-30, 744, 2598-619 Funerals of children who have died without Baptism, 1261 Christian, 1680-90 See also Deceased Future of humanity, 1917 knowledge of, 2115

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