Icon(s) contemplation of, 1162 significance of, 1161 use of, 2705 veneration of, 1159, 1192, 2131 See also Images, holy Identity accepting one's sexual, 2333 of the Church, 865 cultural identity and respect for, 2441 of the elect, 1025 Jesus', 430, 440, 590 man's identity must be enriched, 1880 of the person, 203 Ideology of the Church and rejection of totalitarian and atheistic ideologies, 2425 Idolatry/idol(s) definition and significance of, 2112-14 fame and riches as, 1723 of the human body, 2289 liberation from idolatry of the world, 2097 of money, 2424 as perversion, 2114 prohibition of making, 2129 as sin, 1852 as superstition, 2138 Ignorance feigned, 1859 frauds perpetuated through the trust of ignorant people, 2409 about God, 2087 ignorant conscience imputable to sin, 1790-91, 1793 responsibility and, 1735 of Sacred Scripture, 133 unintentional, 1860 Illness as a consequence of sin, 1264 consequences and effects of, 150-01 human experience with, 150 meaning of, 1502, 1505 as a sign of the inherited condition of human frailty, 2448 See also Pain Images, holy, 1159-62. See also Icon(s) Imagination discipline of, 2520 mobilization of, 2708 Immaculate feast day of the Immaculate Conception, 2177 the Immaculate Conception, 490-93 Immigrants access to employment open to, 2433 duties of political officials to, 2241 Immortality Eucharist as the "medicine of immortality," 1405, 2837 of the soul, 366, 382 Imposition of hands. See Laying on of hands Imputability of actions and faults, 1735, 1860, 2125, 2355 Incarnation, 461-63 and Ascension, 661 Christ's human will follows His divine will, 475 Christ's Incarnation considered from a historical perspective, 423 Councils affirm Christ's, 465-68 effects of the Son of God's, 432, 521 faith in Christ's, 463, 465 heresies denying Christ's humanity, 465-68 human face of Christ "may be portrayed," 476 human nature assumed, not absorbed, in the Son of God, 470 human soul assumed by the Son of God, 472 Jesus Christ true God and true man and not a confused mixture, 464, 499 mystery of, 359 preparation for, 522-23 significance of, 461, 464, 479, 483 Son of God does human works, 470 Son of God has human and divine knowledge, 474 unity of the Word according to the hypostasis, 466, 468, 483 Word visibly apparent in Christ's body, 477 reasons for the Incarnation inauguration of the new creation, 504 knowledge of the love of God, 458 man must be made partaker of the divine nature, 460 model of holiness for men, 459 sins must be taken away and salvation must be obtained, 456-57 Incense, 1154 Incest gravity of, 2356 meaning and consequences of, 2388 Incorporation into Christ, 1010 into the Church, 837, 1396 Incredulity. See Unbelief Inculturation adapting the cultural elements proper to each people in Christian initiation, 1232 the Church and, 854 spiritualities bear witness to the faith, 2684 Indifference, religious, 1634, 2094, 2128 Indissolubility of marriage, 1610-11, 1615, 1643-45, 1647, 2364 Individualism, 2425, 2792 Indulgences, 1471-79 for the dead, 1032, 1479 definition and significance of, 1471 effects of, 1498 obtaining God's indulgences through the Church, 1478-79 Inequality of distributing economic resources and means, 1938, 2317, 2437 economic and social inequality and the reasons for reducing them, 1947 Infallibility charism of infallibility must be extended, 2035 of the Church, 889-91 of the Magisterium of the Pastors, 2051 of the Supreme Pontiff, 891 Infancy care and duty of parents throughout the infancy of children, 2228 Jesus', 527-30 Infant adoption of abandoned, 2379 age for receiving Confirmation, 1307 Eucharistic communion of, 1244 right to life, 2322 (see also Abortion) Infidelity marital, 2380-81 offenses against truth as infidelity to God, 2464 purification from infidelity of the People of God, 64, 218 in relation to God and its consequences, 710, 821 sin as infidelity to God, 401 Information freedom of, 2498 and privacy, 2489, 2491-92 provided by the media, 2493 respect for the truth of, 2497-98, 2525 right to, 2494 Ingratitude to God, 2094 Inheritance creation as inheritance destined for and entrusted to man, 299 merit for obtaining inheritance of eternal life, 2009 pledge of the Holy Spirit, 1107 Initiation, Christian, 1229-33 of adults, 1233, 1247 essential elements of, 1229 fulfillment of, 1289, 1306, 1322 of infants, 1231 Latin and oriental rites of, 1233 sacraments of, 1212-419, 1420, 1533 unity of, 1285, 1292, 1318, 1321 ways of completing, 1230, 1233, 1244 Injustice causes of, 1869, 2534 consequences from, 2317 divine justice and human, 1040 reparation for, 2412 social, 1867 See Justice; Right(s) Inspiration God's, 105, 136, 2008 of the Holy Spirit, 105, 107, 111 in Sacred Scripture, 76, 81, 105-08, 135 Institutions human and social, 909, 1869, 1881-82, 1888, 1897, 1916, 2211, 2238, 2244, 2286 in the Old Testament, 576, 709 Integrity of the person, 2273-75, 2295, 2297-98, 2338-45, 2356, 2389 Intellect as a gift of the Holy Spirit, 1303, 1831 Intention bad intention makes an act evil that, in and of itself, is good, 1753 definition of, 1752 end does not justify the means, 1753, 1759, 2399 as an essential element in the moral evaluation of an action, 1750-51 of the heart and desires, 582, 2534 lying and intention of deceiving, 2152 morality of an action must be judged independently of, 1756 purity of, 2520 reprehensible, 2117, 2282 several intentions inspiring the same action, 1752 Intercession of the angels, 336 of Christ, 739, 1341, 1361, 1368, 1370, 2606 of the Church, 1678 of the dead, 958 in the Old Testament, 210, 2574, 2577-78, 2584 prayer of, 1096, 1354, 1509, 2634-36, 2734, 2770 of religious, 2687 of the saints, 956, 1434, 2156, 2683 of the Virgin Mary, 969, 1434, 2156, 2683 Interest(s) charity without respect for personal, 953, 1825 common good and particular, 1908, 2236 economic life brings into play different, 2430 private or particular, 1740, 2278, 2316 Inferiority investigating one's own, 1779 Interpretation of the actions, thoughts, and words of one's neighbor, 2478 of the deposit of faith, 84-95 of experience, 1788, 2422 of the future and clairvoyance, 2116 of the Law, 581-82, 2173 of Revelation, 82 of Sacred Scripture, 109-19 of the Word of God, 85, 109, 111, 116, 119, 572, 601, 2055, 2336 Intimacy between God and His creature, 239, 441, 921 marital, 2360, 2362 respect for and defense of personal, 2492, 2521 Invocation to Christ, 2665, 2667-68 to God, 431, 1105, 2154, 2807 o the Holy Spirit, 1333 to occult powers, 2117 to the Trinity, 1278 Irreligion condemnation of, 2110, 2118 sins of, 2119-20, 2139 Israel announcing to Israel the birth of Jesus, 437, 522, 719 the chosen people, 60, 762 the Church prefigured and prepared for in the people of, 759-62, 1093 the Church's relationship to the Jewish people, 839 expectation and hope of, 529, 673-74 and faith in God, 212, 587-91, 594 God saves Israel from sin, 431 God's covenant with, 1611-12 God's Law and the people of the Jews, 708-10, 1965 God's love for, 218-19 God's people, 62-64, 762 hope of, 64, 436, 453 Jesus and, 539, 574-94 Jesus, the Messiah of, 438, 528, 535 Jewish liturgy and Christian liturgy, 1096 Jews not responsible collectively for the death of Jesus, 597-99 and observance of the sabbath, 348, 2170-71 participation of Jesus in the worship and Law of, 527, 531, 578 Passover in, 1363 people of the "elder brethren," 63 people of Israel chosen by God, 781, 1539 prayer of the Jews for salvation, 2591-97 priestly people, 63 relationship between the Jews and Jesus, 581 revelation of God to the Jews, 201, 228, 287-88, 2085 revelation of the name of God to the Jews, 203-04, 209, 214 rite of expiation of sins in, 433 sin in the history of, 401 Son of God, 238, 441
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