Wage death as the wages of sin, 1006 Wage, just, 2434 War arms, 2314, 2316 arms race, 2315 duty to avoid, 2307-08 economic and social injustices and inequalities as causes of, 2317 just, 2309 obligation to resist unjust orders, 2313 peace and absence of, 2304 permanence of the moral law during armed conflict, 2312-13 Way(s) of Christ, 1696-97 of the cross, 1674, 2669 of God's plan, 778 Gospel parable of the two, 1696 Jesus as the, 459, 846, 2664, 2674 of the Kingdom, 1967 missionary paths, 852 of Providence, 314 Weakness the Holy Spirit as a help to human, 741, 2630 human weakness also in the ordained ministries, 1550 and Jesus, 517, 540, 1505, 2602 and the manifestation of divine power, 268, 1508 and the sacraments of Christian initiation, 978, 1264, 1426 intercession of the saints as a help to human, 956, 1053 mystery of God's apparent powerlessness, 272 Wedding at Cana, 1613, 2618 feast in the Kingdom, 1027, 1335 of the Lamb, 1244, 1329, 1602, 1612, 1642, 2618 mystical betrothal, 923 Widow, 922, 1537, 1672, 2349 Wife. See Marriage (Matrimony) Will of God, 51, 294-95, 541, 2059, 2822 (see also God) of man man's mastery of, 1734, 1809 morality of human acts and, 1755 passions and, 1767-68 sin and, 1853 virtue and, 1834 Wine conversion of wine into Christ's blood, 1375-76, 1413 (see also Transubstantiation) sign of bread and wine in the Eucharist, 1333-35 See also Vine Wisdom of God Christ crucified as, 272 creatures reflect a ray of, 339, 369 God created according to, 295, 299 God's truth as wisdom, 216 man participates in God's wisdom, 1954 moral law as the work of, 1950 of man as an emanation of God's power, 2500 as a gift from God, 283, 1303, 1831 Witness of Christians, 2506 duty of bearing, 1816, 2087, 2471 of education in the faith, 2226 effects of, 30 of faith, 2472 false, 2464, 2476 importance of, 2044 martyrdom as the supreme, 2473 of members of secular institutes, 929 of the Risen One in the first community of believers, 642 of the saints, 688 "the testimony" as the name for the tables of the Law, 2058 of those consecrated, 932-33 Witnesses apostles as, 857 Confirmation, the sacrament that makes witnesses of Christ, 1285, 1303 of faith, 165 intercession of witnesses who precede us into the Kingdom, 2683 lay people as witnesses of Christ, 904-05, 913, 942, 2242 in marriage, 1631 of the Resurrection of Jesus, 642 spouses as witnesses of God's love, 1647-48 what it means to be a witness of Christ, 995 Woman adultery of, 2384 complementarity, union, and collaboration of man and woman, 378, 1605, 1614, 1616, 2333 consecrated, 918, 924 creation of woman in God's image, 355, 369-70, 2335 defense of, 1610 dignity of, 1645, 2334, 2393 harmony between man and woman in the earthly paradise, 376, 384 illegitimate union of man and, 2353, 2390-91 as the image of the Church, 1368, 2853 judgment of the Catholic Church on the ordination of women, 1577-78 looking at a woman lustfully, 2336 man and, 369, 371-72, 383, 400 obligations of love on the part of the man and, 2363 polygamy and, 2387 relations between man and, 400, 1606-07 sexuality ordained to the conjugal love of man and, 2337, 2353, 2360-61, 2522 vocation of man and, 373, 1603, 2207, 2331 Word (Christ) God preserves what He created, 320 "In the beginning was the Word," 291 made flesh, 151, 241, 477 mystery of the Incarnation of, 461-63, 479 "The Word was made flesh," 423, 456-60 See also Christ Word of God at the beginning of existence and the life of every creature, 703 Christ as, 65, 101-04 Christian iconography and, 1160 Christianity as the religion of, 108 imperishability of the seed of, 1228 importance of the Word of God in the liturgy, 1100, 1153, 1184 interpreting, 85-86, 113, 1101 liturgy of, 1154, 1349 nourishment from, 2835 one and only, 102 proclaiming, 1102 receiving, 543, 764 Sacred Scripture and, 81, 104, 124 as the source of prayer, 2587, 2653-54, 2716, 2769 as truth, 2465 understanding, 108, 119, 1155 works of, 131, 162, 338, 1177, 1454, 1785 See also Catechesis; Sacred Scripture Word of man truth of, 2500 truth of human speech and oath-taking, 2151 Work conflicts in labor, 2430 Jesus' manual labor, 531, 533, 564 just wage, 2434 pastoral or apostolic, 893, 924 remuneration for work as solidarity, 1940 responsibility of the state in economic action, 2431 rest from, 1193, 2172, 2184-88 right to, 2211, 2433, 2436 significance of human, 378, 901, 1609, 1914, 2427 stoppages as morally legitimate, 2435 value of human, 1368, 2428 Works of charity and mercy, 1458, 1473, 1815, 1829, 1853, 2044, 2447 of Christ manifesting Him as "the Holy One of God," 438 of the Devil, 394 of the flesh, 1852 of God, 198, 214, 295, 339, 1328 of God as a way to know Him, 32, 176, 236, 286 of men, 679, 901 of penance, 1430, 1460 World Christ the Savior of the, 457-58, 608, 728, 1355 the Church "sent" into the whole, 782, 863, 2105 and creation, 216, 295, 325, 327, 337-49, 760 (see also Creation/Created; God: Creator of the universe and man) destiny of, 314, 769, 1001, 1046, 1680 end of, 681, 1001, 1243 help to do good and to work for the salvation of, 799, 909, 928, 1941, 2044, 2438 moderation of attachment to the goods of this, 2545, 2548 new and renewed, 655, 670, 916, 1042-50 origin of, 284-85 providence at work in, 303, 395 reconciled and recapitulated, 620, 2748 relation between God and, 212, 300 relation between man and, 373, 377 reveals "ways" to know God, 31-34 and sill, 310, 402, 408, 2844, 2852-54 third world, 2440 Worship and adoration of God, 28, 347, 939, 1121, 1123, 1148, 1180, 1564, 1596, 2083, 2135 disparity of cult in mixed marriages, 1633-37 deviation of, 2111, 2113, 2138, 2581 devotion to Mary, 971 of the Eucharist, 1178, 1325, 1378, 1380, 1408, 1418 in the New Testament, 1179 in the Old Testament, 1093 spiritual worship and moral life, 2031, 2047 time devoted to divine, 2184-87, 2193 veneration of holy images, 2131-32, 2141 YHWH God's name revealed, 206, 210-13, 446 name of Jesus, 211, 446-47, 2666 Youth dangers to youth, 2282, 2353, 2389 education and instruction of youth, 5, 1632, 2526, 2685, 2688 Zeal, religious, 579, 2442
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