Oathtaking according to the Church's tradition, 2154 false, 2150-51 Jesus' words: "Do not swear at all," 2153 perjury, 2152, 2476 refusal to take an oath for trivial matters, 2155 Obedience of the baptized to their calling, 1269 Christ's, 411, 475, 532, 539, 612, 615, 908, 1009 to conscience, 1790 to constituted laws, 2240 duty of, 1900 as an evangelical counsel, 915, 2053 of faith, 143, 144-49, 1831, 2087, 2098, 2135, 2340, 2716, 2825 as filial respect, 2216-17, 2251 and freedom, 1733 of priests, 1567 and sin, 1850, 1862, 2515 of the Virgin Mary, 148, 494, 511 Obligation arising from the commandments, 2072 of bringing remedies to institutions and living conditions, 1888 to confess one's sins, 1457 of consecrated persons, 931 to defend one's nation, 2310 discharge from obligations linked to ordination, 1583 of justice, 2412, 2439, 2446 of lay people participating in the apostolate, 900 of obedience of faith, 2086-87 to observe the evangelical counsels, 915 to preserve the unity and indissolubility of marriage, 2364 to provide for the material needs of the Church, 2043 respect for the created world and obligation to future generations, 2456 to respond to divine charity, 2093 to sanctify Sundays and holy days, 2187 of seeking the truth and adhering to it, 2467, 2497 to take part in the liturgy on Sundays and holy days, 1389, 2180-83 See also Duty(ies) Offering of the Church, 1368, 1553 of the Eucharist, 1362, 1414, 2643 of Jesus, 529, 606-07, 610-11, 614, 616, 2824 of oneself, 459, 2031, 2711 of the Virgin Mary, 494, 2617, 2622 Offertory, 1333, 1350 Oil consecration of, 1297 significance and use of anointing with, 695, 1183, 1237, 1241, 1289, 1293-94 See also Anointing; Chrism; Sacrament(s) Old age. See the Elderly Old Testament canon of the Scriptures and, 120 catechesis reveals what is hidden under the letter of, 1094 fulfillment of promises and, 122, 528, 652, 1067 God the Father and the declared source of truth in the Old Testament, 684, 2465 the Holy Spirit and, 702 human illness and, 1502 juridical measures in, 2449 liturgy and, 1093, 1349 messiah in the Old Testament foretold by the prophets, 1286 mystery of the Church prefigured in, 753 mystery of the Trinity and, 237 prayer and, 2568, 2569, 2585, 2596, 2630 relation between the Old and the New Testaments, 128, 129, 140 sacred sign of life in, 2260 symbolic images in, 2130 theophanies of, 697 title "Son of God" and, 441 Trinity, its creative action and, 292 value of, 121 veneration of the Old Testament and its image, 61, 123, 138 See also Covenant, Old; Sacred Scripture Omission of caring for the sick, 2277 as a sin, 1853 One. See Church: attributes of the Church; God: titles and attributes of God Oppression, 1739, 2243, 2448 Orbit. See Creation; Nature Order of creation, 299, 341, 1608 international, 1885 political, 2246 social or public, 1909, 1940, 2032, 2266-67, 2298, 2304, 2424 Organ transplants, 2296 Original sin account of, 390 disobedience as the origin of, 215, 397-98 reason why God permitted, 412 significance of the doctrine of, 389 as the test of man's freedom, 396 transmission of original sin to all men, 404 as a truth of the faith, 388-89 consequences of original sin difficulty in knowing God, 37 harmony destroyed, 400 invasion of evil, 401 loss of the grace of original holiness, 399 in man's history, 402-06, 1250, 1607, 1609, 1707, 2259, 2515 whole world held in the power of the evil one, 409 Orthodox churches the "Creed" and, 247 unity of the Catholic Church and, 836 "Our Father," the prayer at the center of the Scriptures, 2762-64 as the Church's prayer, 2767-72 as the Lord's Prayer, 2765-66 individual parts of "Our Father" "Father," 2779-85, 2798 "Our Father," 2786-93, 2801 "Who art in heaven," 2794-96, 2802 "Hallowed be thy name," 2807-15, 2858 "Thy kingdom come," 2816-21, 2859 "Thy will be done," 2822-27, 2860 "Give us this day our daily bread," 2828-37, 2861 "Forgive us our trespasses," 2838-45, 2862 "Lead us not into temptation," 2846-49, 2863 "But deliver us from evil," 2850-54, 2864
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