Tabernacle, 1183, 1379 Table altar as table of the Lord, 1182, 1383 Jesus sitting at table with sinners, 1443 significance of grace at meals, 2834 Talents, 1880, 1936-37, 2429 Tax collector Jesus and, 588 parable of the Pharisee and, 2613 Teacher(s) bishops as teachers of the faith, 1558, 2050 Temperance, 1809, 2730 as a cardinal virtue, 1805 chastity and purity depend on, 2341, 2517, 2521 definition of, 1809 fruit of, 1838, 2290 pursuit of temporal goods and, 2407 Temple Christ as the true temple of God, 1197 the Church as the holy, 756 the Church as the temple of the Holy Spirit, 797-98, 809 as God's presence among men, 593 of Jerusalem, 2580 Jesus and, 576, 583-86, 593 man as the temple of the Holy Spirit, 364, 1197, 1265, 1695, 2684 Temptation action of tempting God, 2119 helps for resisting, 1808, 2157, 2340 idolatry as a constant temptation of faith, 2113 of Jesus, 538-40, 566 "Lead us not into temptation," 2846-49, 2863 in prayer, 2732-33, 2753, 2755 prayer to avoid, 2612 Ten Commandments, tables of the, 2058, 2067 Tenderness God's, 239, 295, 2335 of spouses, 1611, 2350 Terrorism, 2297 Test(s) the Church perfected by great trials, 769 the Church's ultimate trial, 675-77 discernment between trials and temptation, 2847 faith put to, 164, 272 fortitude in facing difficulties, 1808 hope as a source of joy in tribulation, 1820 Jesus tested by Satan, 538, 2119 patiently bearing trials, 901, 1508 Thanksgiving. See Grace: thanksgiving Theft definition of, 2408 reparation for, 2412 root of, 2534 Theology, 94 Theophanies, 707 Thought(s) favorably interpreting the thoughts of one's neighbor, 2478 pure and impure, 2520 right thinking of the just man, 1807 Throne, 1137 Time "age" of the Church, 1076 creation and the beginning of, 338 end of, 1042 the end, 715, 2819 fullness of, 484 God and, 205, 600 human life and, 1007 leisure, 2184, 2186-87, 2194 liturgical, 1163-65 present, 672 "Today" of God and prayer, 1165, 2659-60, 2836 Tomb altar as a symbol of Christ's, 1182 Christ's empty, 640, 657 Tradition, 81 apostolic, 75-79 deposit of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, 84, 97 of faith and prayer, 2651 (see also Prayer) liturgy as a constitutive element of, 1124 one and the same content of, 174 oral tradition in the formation of the Gospels, 126 and Sacred Scripture, 80-83, 95, 97, 113, 120 Transcendence of God, 42, 212, 239, 300, 1028 Transfiguration, 554-56, 568 Transgression sin as, 1849 transgressing the Commandments, 2069 Transmission of life, 372, 2363, 2366, 2368. See also Marriage (Matrimony) Transubstantiation, 1373-77, 1413. See also Eucharist Tree of good and evil, 396 Trial. See Test(s) Tribulation(s) Beatitudes sustain hope in the midst of, 1717 and filial trust, 2734 and fortitude, 1808 and hope, 1820 necessary for entering the Kingdom of God, 556 Trinity as the central mystery of the faith, 232, 234, 237, 261 divine economy as the common work of the three divine persons, 257-60 family as image of the Trinitarian communion, 2205 Filioque, 246-48, 264 God one and three, 202 "hypostasis" or person, 252 liturgy as the work of, 1077-109 notion of substance, 252 prayer as communion with, 2655 presence of Trinity in man, 260 "theology" and "economy," 236 unity of the Trinity and the unity of the Church, 813 See also Christ; Father; God; Holy Spirit divine persons in the Trinity, 252 consubstantial, 242, 253 distinct from one another, 254, 267 in unity, 255, 689 expression of the Trinity articulating the dogma, 251 in Baptism, 233, 265 m the liturgy, 249, 1066 Revelation of God as Trinity the Father, 238, 240 the Holy Spirit, 243-48 the Son, 240, 242 of the Trinity, 244, 684, 732 Trust in God's word, 215 lie undermines trust among men, 2486 man's trust in God, 301, 304, 2086, 2115, 2119, 2828, 2836, 2861 in Providence, 2115, 2547 filial trust of Jesus praying to the Father, 2610, 2778 the "Our Father" and, 2777-78, 2797, 2830 prayer and, 2734, 2741 prayer put to the test, 2756 Truth, 2468, 2505 "Bearing witness to the truth," 2471-73, 2506 the Church's Magisterium in the service of, 890 creed as a summary of the principal truths of the faith, 188 definition of, 2468, 2505 faith as assent to, 150 God as, 144, 214, 215-17, 2465 hierarchy of, 90, 234 the Holy Spirit leads us to, 243, 2625 inspired books teach, 107, 110, 136 Jesus' Resurrection as the supreme truth of the faith, 638 Jesus "the way, the truth, and the life," 2614 living in, 2465-70, 2504-05 makes us free, 1741 man naturally led to, 2467 man will find truth and happiness only in God, 27 mass media and, 2497, 2499, 2512 neglect and rejection of the revealed, 2089 oath-taking and, 2151, 2164 offenses against, 2464, 2475-87, 2509 in relations with others, 2464, 2469 respect for, 2488-92, 2511 revealed truth must be understood and handed on, 91, 94 right to the communication of, 2488-92, 2510 seeking, 1260, 1954, 1960, 2104 states that falsify truth must be condemned, 2499 truth, beauty, and sacred art, 2500-03 ultimate truth in the New Testament, 124 as the way of salvation, 851 Typology, 128, 130
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